• 7 августа 2018, вторник
  • Казань, Право-Булачная, 43 (ibis Kazan Centre)

English Speakers Club Kazan: Interview with William Margita

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Казанский федеральный университет
2089 дней назад
7 августа 2018 c 18:30 до 21:00
Право-Булачная, 43 (ibis Kazan Centre)

Dear Friends!

We are delighted to announce the next English Speakers Club event! 7 August 2018, Ibis Hotel (43, Pravobulachnaya St) at 7pm, registration starts 6.30pm, ticket 500, paid at the entrance.

Natalia Kurkchi will have a live interview with William Margita, a successful entrepreneur, writer, speaker and coach. He is all the way from Las Vegas, and decided to blend with us in our wonderful Kazan! 

William will share tips and his secrets to make it from bottom to top, achieving success, travel the world and enjoying all of this. You will have a unique opportunity to learn about building real estate and internet businesses, traveling in US for under $100, moving from military to commercial world and building professional relationships.

P.S.: English Speakers Club is a sub-community of City Club Kazan, it’s mission is to help people improve their English and widen their horizons through a variety of Speeches, Presentations, Master-Classes, Trainings, Workshops and Networking events. Join to listen to our brilliant speakers, or become one yourself!
English Speakers Club has only one rule: We Speak English, and English Only!☺

Event Details: 7pm, IBIS Hotel (43, Pravobulachnaya St), at 7pm, registration from 6.30pm. Tickets can be bought at the entrance. Limited capacity, please RSVP to register.


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